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Showing Collections: 91 - 100 of 127

Sir Walter and Anne Scott Papers, and George Ainsley family Papers

Identifier: Sir Walter and Anne Scott papers-and George Ainsley family papers
Scope and Contents

Collection contains correspondence from Walter Scott and his daughter, Anne Scott, as well as antiquarian Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe (1751?- 1851). It also includes a catalogue of Norton Down's library relating to Walter Scott, Scott's manuscripts and legal documents, as well as a bound volume containing autographs and short letters penned by Walter Scott.

Dates: 1751 - 1851

Odell Shepard Papers

Identifier: Odell Shepard papers
Scope and Contents The Papers of Odell Shepard consist of correspondence, subject files, manuscripts, proofs, audio recordings of poetry and speeches, periodicals, newspaper clippings, musical scores based on poems, photographs, ephemera, notebooks, sketchbooks, published guidebooks, receipts, and informational pamphlets related to the life and work of Odell Shepard (1884-1967), the Trinity College Goodwin Professor of English (1917-1946) and Lieutenant Governor of Connecticut (1940-1941).A notable...
Dates: 1890-2006

Lydia Howard Sigourney Papers

Identifier: Lydia Howard Sigourney Papers
Scope and Contents Collection contains correspondence, engravings, and publications such as poems in the Daily Counselor (1859) and posthumous publications, such as the Camel's Nose (2014). Collection also includes several daguerrotypes of Lydia Howard Sigourney from the mid-19th century. Paper engravings span 1825 to 1872, and depict Sigourney. Correspondence span 1814-1865. Sigourney corresponds with notable, Connecticut figures from approximately 1814-1818 such as Colonel Daniel Putnam, and Faith Trumbull...
Dates: 1814 - 1865

Mandel Slater Papers

Identifier: Mandel Slater papers

The Mandel Slater papers represents the college work of Mandel Slater during the time he spent at Trinity, MIT [Massachusetts Institute of Technology (fall 1957-58)], and Harvard (fall 1958). Included in this collection are tests, applications, and class work. Also included are lesson plans and tests presumably devised by Slater when he was teaching chemistry at the Harvard-Newton Summer School in Newton, Massachusetts. All of the material relates to education in the mid to late 1950s.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1954-1958

Robert H. Smellie papers

Identifier: Robert H. Smellie papers
Scope and Contents The Robert H. Smellie papers are arranged into five series which include records related to biographical and personal information; teaching materials while at Trinity College; printed works by Smellie and others; business ventures and consultant work; and ephemera and artifacts. Series one comprises a small amount of personal correspondence and papers as well as notebooks and related materials from Smellie’s time as a student at Trinity College and Columbia University. Series two consists of...
Dates: 1933-1989

Sound Recording Catalog Collection

Identifier: Sound Recording Catalog Collection
Dates: Majority of material found within Catalogs cover over 40 years; some are annual catalogs, some are monthly catalogs, and some are weekly issues. Issue and date vary by company.

Martha Linsley Spencer Papers

Identifier: Martha L. Spencer papers
Scope and Contents The collection contains a range of material types including manuscripts, correspondence, and articles created by Martha Linsley Spencer (1875-1954), resident and poet of Hartford, Connecticut. Manuscript writings include poems, holographs (both original and preservation photocopies), as well as typed prose and unsorted notes from throughout her career as a writer. The collection also houses two proofs of her published work "Remembered Years, Collected Poems", with one containing...
Dates: Circa late 1800s-mid 1900s

Stephen Spender papers

Identifier: WLM-1992-001
Abstract The Stephen Spender papers consist mainly of letters from Spender to Mary Elliott between July 1939 and February 1952. Also included are letters to Elliott from Inez Spender (Spender's first wife), Charles Madge, and Kathleen Madge. The correspondence relates largely to Spender's estrangement and eventual divorce from Inez Spender, although there is mention of conditions in wartime Britain as well. Includes 6 typescript poems by Spender, and 31 typescript poems by surrealist Charles...
Dates: 1939-1942, 1952, 1996

Sydney Stanley Papers

Identifier: Sydney Stanley papers
Scope and Contents This collection contains a range of materials related to the life of Sydney Stanley (1805-1878), Clerk of Connecticut Legislature. The Stanley papers are one of the earliest manuscript collections to be donated to the Watkinson Library, most likely sometime after 1885, based on an 1878 bequest of Sydney Stanley. Such materials include five letters dating from 1847-1861. A bulk of the collection consists of eight original diaries, with the earliest date of July 31, 1858 and the latest August...
Dates: 1671-1878

George Stephanopoulos Collection of Photographs

Identifier: WLM-2018-006
Abstract This collection of photographs was acquired between 2005-2015 by George Stephanopoulos, the prominent journalist, political commentator, and former Democratic campaign advisor to Bill Clinton in 1992. The collection includes photographs by prominent photographers from the United States and Europe, as well as 19th century Italy. Stephanopoulos collected political photographs from a range of photographers: from Burt Glinn, who covered national politics during the 1950s and 1960s; to...
Dates: 1860 - 2006

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Sound Recordings 6
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) Alumni and alumnae. 4
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Faculty. 3
Connecticut--History--1775-1865 2
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 2
Naval history 2
Ornithology 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Curricula. 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Presidents. 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
Agriculture 1
Alexandra, Empress, consort of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1872-1918. 1
Algonquin language 1
American literature-- 19th century 1
American poetry-- 20th century 1
Anthologies 1
Architectural drawings. 1
Architecture and history. 1
Authors, Scottish 1
Automobile travel 1
Ballot boxes 1
Belgium 1
Bible--Study and Teaching 1
Clubs 1
College buildings. 1
Composers 1
Connecticut--History 1
Connecticut--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Connecticut--politics and government 1
Copper mines and mining 1
Deaf--Education 1
Educational change 1
Engravers 1
Foreign study 1
Freelance Journalism 1
Frontier and pioneer life 1
Hartford (Conn.) 1
Hartford (Conn.) -- Social life and customs 1
Hungary--History--Uprising of 1848-1849 1
Indians of North America 1
Industrial Revolution--United States 1
Intellectuals in literature 1
International education 1
Italy--History--19th century 1
Massachusetts--History--1775-1865 1
Men--Societies and clubs 1
Minutes (administrative records) 1
North America--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Painters--United States 1
Pharmacists--Hartford (Conn.) 1
Philosophy--Study and teaching. 1
Poets 1
Press and politics--United States 1
Private clubs -- Hartford (Conn.) 1
Psychology--Study and teaching. 1
Racism in language 1
Radicalism--United States History--20th century. 1
Romanov, House of. 1
Russia--History--1801-1917 1
Sahagún (Spain) 1
School children 1
Slavery--United States-- History 1
Socialism--Spain--History--20th century 1
Societies--History, organization, etc 1
Spender, Stephen, 1909-1995 1
Theater--United States--History--20th century 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) -- Buildings. 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Administration. 1
United States Agency for International Development 1
United States-- History-- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--History--20th century 1
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--Military Relations--China. 1
United States. Air Force--History. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Draft resisters. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975-Prisoners and prisons, American. 1
West (U.S.) 1
Women performance artists--United States 1
Women poets 1
World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. 1
Campo, Michael R. 2
Emerson, Victor Hugo 2
Niles, Abbe 2
Niles, Katherine Waugh 2
Trumbull, J. Hammond (James Hammond) 2
Winslow, Robbins 2
Abbott Laboratories 1
Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1
Albee, Edward, 1928-2016 1
Allen, Nathan H. (Nathan Hale) 1
Alsop, John deKoven 1
Aronow, Victor 1
Ash, Samuel 1
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 1
Babbidge, Homer D. 1
Barnard, Henry, 1811-1900 1
Bartley, Sarah, 1783-1850 1
Barton, Dana W. 1
Bartram, John 1
Bascom, Doris 1
Beckwith, Charles 1
Bing, Ilse 1
Blake, William, 1757-1827 1
Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903 1
Brahms, Johannes 1
Brainard, Homer Worthington, 1864-1947 1
Briggs, Henry S. (Henry Shaw), 1824-1887 1
Brinley, Gordon 1
Bruce, Harvey 1
Bryant, Josephine 1
Bulkeley, Gershom, 1636-1713 1
Burges, William, 1827-1881 1
Burkin, John F. 1
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 1
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 1
Chemistry 1
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge, 1832-1909 1
Cheney, Howell, 1879-1957 1
Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915 1
Clark, Charles Hopkins, 1848-1926 1
Clark, Ezra Jr. 1
Clark, Geo. H. (George Hunt), 1809-1881 1
Clark, S. M. (Spencer M.) 1
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 1
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 1
Cobb, Dr. Sanford, 1926-2005 1
Cole, Thomas, 1801-1848 1
Colwell, Larry 1
Corvo, William J. 1
Cummings, Elbridge 1
Cummings, Joseph, 1784-1860 1
Dodge, Waldo F. 1
Dvorak, Antonin 1
Eddy, Roger (Roger W.) 1
Ehlers, John Henry 1
Ehresman, Elsa 1
Enders, Ostrom 1
Evans, Harry 1
Ferguson, Henry, 1848-1917 1
Finch, Lewis 1
Franck, Cesar 1
Freed, Leonard 1
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963 1
G.D. Searle & Company 1
Gage, Gladys L. 1
Gallaudet, Thomas, 1822-1902 1
Goodwin, Francis, 1895-1976 1
Goodwin, Genevieve Harlow 1
Gordon, Alden R. 1
Gordon, George 1
Graff, George E. 1
Grant, Ellsworth S. 1
Great Britain. Royal Navy 1
Gruber, Franz Xavier 1
Haig, Axel, 1835-1921 1
Hancock, David P. 1
Handy, W.C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958 1
Harris, Nicholas 1
Harvard-Curricula 1
Hedrick, Joan D. 1
Hewes, Philip 1
Heyman, Ken 1
Hickmott, Allerton C. 1
Horenstein, Henry 1
Hudson, William Leverreth, 1794-1862 1
Iturbi, Jose 1
Jackson, Abner, 1811-1874 1
Job, Herbert Keightley, 1864-1933 1
Keeney, Steven H. 1
Kimball, Francis H. (Francis Hatch), 1845-1919 1
Kirkup, Seymour Stocker, 1788-1880 1
Larsen, Christopher 1
Lauter, Paul 1
Lewis, W. S. (Wilmarth Sheldon), 1895-1979 1
Little Wonder Record Co. 1
Livingston, Ted 1
Lomberg, Jon 1
Loomis, James Lee 1
Lowe, Jacques 1
Lyon, Danny 1