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Showing Collections: 81 - 90 of 127

'People of New York vs Van Wormer Brothers' trial court reports

Identifier: WLM-2018-007
Scope and Contents Series one, 'People of New York vs Van Wormer Brothers' Stenographer Report, is comprised of five folders holding 1463 pages of legal proceedings from the Van Wormer Brothers' trial that took place between March 31, 1902 and April 18, 1902. Originally, these pages were bound in three volumes, with Volume 1 containing pages 1-322, Volume 2 containing pages 323-866, and Volume 3 containing pages 867-1423. Additionally, a five page Index of Witnesses is included at the end of each volume....
Dates: 1902-03-31 - 1902-04-18

Spiro Peterson Papers

Identifier: Spiro Peterson papers
Scope and Contents The Spiro Peterson papers is comprised of two gifts, one from Peterson's brother and the other from his widow. The first gift (folders 1-3) is composed of letters written to his brother during World War Two covering the months of August 1944 through December 1945. The second gift (folders 4-12) is composed of lettes t his parents, mid-1943 through December 1945, as well as letters to other recipients, including a few letters to Peterson from his mother, along wih other war-era and...
Dates: 1943-1995

Fred Pfeil papers

Identifier: WLM-2017-001

The Fred Pfeil Papers consist of correspondence, manuscripts, journals, books, photographs, activist materials, commemorative materials, address books, and calendars originating from Professor Fred Pfeil (1949-2005), a Trinity professor of English, writer, critic, and activist.

Dates: 1953 - 2011

Potter-Clune Collection

Identifier: Potter-Clune Collection
Dates: 1938-1949

Preston Family Papers

Identifier: Preston family papers
Dates: 1936 - 1959

Pynchon Family Papers

Identifier: Pynchon Family Papers
Scope and Contents

The Pynchon Family papers consist of materials dated from 1840 to 1904 which were created by or for Thomas Ruggles Pynchon and William H.C. Pynchon. The materials mainly include personal correspondence, genealogical notes, pamphlets, and undergraduate essays. Correspondents include Sophia Pynchon, Henry T. Parker, John Williams (Trinity class of 1835), Mrs. E. M. Avery, James J. Goodwin, and Frances Clark. A certificate is signed by Ainsworth R. Spofford.

Dates: March 22, 1840-February 8, 1904

Jon A. Reynolds papers

Identifier: WLM-2015-001
Abstract The Jon A. Reynolds papers includes orrespondence, photographs, slides, transparencies, journals, brochures, maps, guides, posters, files, newspaper clippings, and military service awards documenting Jon A. Reynolds' activities as a pilot, air traffic controller, and prisoner of war during the Vietnam War from 1963 to 1973, as well as a student at Trinity College and Duke University, and as a faculty member at the U.S. Air Force Academy and the National War College (U.S.). The collection...
Dates: 1940-2017

Roberts Brothers collection

Identifier: WLM-2004-001

The Roberts Brothers collection contains manuscript correspondence, miscellaneous manuscripts, and printed ephemera relating to the Boston literary publishing firm of Roberts Brothers. Also includes ten photographic albums produced and sold by Roberts Brothers. Some of the albums may date to the American Civil War.

Dates: 1863-1904

Edwin Arlington Robinson Papers

Identifier: E.A. Robinson papers

The Edwin Arlington Robinson Papers consists of a wide range of paper materials created throughout Robinson's career as a writer. It includes preliminary background information concerning the collection and Robinson himself, correspondence from Robinson spanning from 1895-1932 (originals, photocopies, and typed copies), manuscript works of poems and prose, proofs, photographs, newspaper clippings, and other publications by and about Robinson, as well as various printed ephemera.

Dates: 1895-1932

Vincent J. Scamporino papers

Identifier: WLM-2017-004
Scope and Contents

The Vincent J. Scamporino papers collect correspondence, memos, files, telegrams, leaflets, pamphlets, tickets, maps, photographs, and other materials originating from Vincent J. “Scamp” Scamporino (1908-1974), a civilian operative of the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) in the Italian theater of operations of World War II.

Dates: 1938 - 1958

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Sound Recordings 6
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) Alumni and alumnae. 4
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Faculty. 3
Connecticut--History--1775-1865 2
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 2
Naval history 2
Ornithology 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Curricula. 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Presidents. 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
Agriculture 1
Alexandra, Empress, consort of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1872-1918. 1
Algonquin language 1
American literature-- 19th century 1
American poetry-- 20th century 1
Anthologies 1
Architectural drawings. 1
Architecture and history. 1
Authors, Scottish 1
Automobile travel 1
Ballot boxes 1
Belgium 1
Bible--Study and Teaching 1
Clubs 1
College buildings. 1
Composers 1
Connecticut--History 1
Connecticut--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Connecticut--politics and government 1
Copper mines and mining 1
Deaf--Education 1
Educational change 1
Engravers 1
Foreign study 1
Freelance Journalism 1
Frontier and pioneer life 1
Hartford (Conn.) 1
Hartford (Conn.) -- Social life and customs 1
Hungary--History--Uprising of 1848-1849 1
Indians of North America 1
Industrial Revolution--United States 1
Intellectuals in literature 1
International education 1
Italy--History--19th century 1
Massachusetts--History--1775-1865 1
Men--Societies and clubs 1
Minutes (administrative records) 1
North America--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Painters--United States 1
Pharmacists--Hartford (Conn.) 1
Philosophy--Study and teaching. 1
Poets 1
Press and politics--United States 1
Private clubs -- Hartford (Conn.) 1
Psychology--Study and teaching. 1
Racism in language 1
Radicalism--United States History--20th century. 1
Romanov, House of. 1
Russia--History--1801-1917 1
Sahagún (Spain) 1
School children 1
Slavery--United States-- History 1
Socialism--Spain--History--20th century 1
Societies--History, organization, etc 1
Spender, Stephen, 1909-1995 1
Theater--United States--History--20th century 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) -- Buildings. 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Administration. 1
United States Agency for International Development 1
United States-- History-- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--History--20th century 1
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--Military Relations--China. 1
United States. Air Force--History. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Draft resisters. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975-Prisoners and prisons, American. 1
West (U.S.) 1
Women performance artists--United States 1
Women poets 1
World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. 1
Campo, Michael R. 2
Emerson, Victor Hugo 2
Niles, Abbe 2
Niles, Katherine Waugh 2
Trumbull, J. Hammond (James Hammond) 2
Winslow, Robbins 2
Abbott Laboratories 1
Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1
Albee, Edward, 1928-2016 1
Allen, Nathan H. (Nathan Hale) 1
Alsop, John deKoven 1
Aronow, Victor 1
Ash, Samuel 1
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 1
Babbidge, Homer D. 1
Barnard, Henry, 1811-1900 1
Bartley, Sarah, 1783-1850 1
Barton, Dana W. 1
Bartram, John 1
Bascom, Doris 1
Beckwith, Charles 1
Bing, Ilse 1
Blake, William, 1757-1827 1
Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903 1
Brahms, Johannes 1
Brainard, Homer Worthington, 1864-1947 1
Briggs, Henry S. (Henry Shaw), 1824-1887 1
Brinley, Gordon 1
Bruce, Harvey 1
Bryant, Josephine 1
Bulkeley, Gershom, 1636-1713 1
Burges, William, 1827-1881 1
Burkin, John F. 1
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 1
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 1
Chemistry 1
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge, 1832-1909 1
Cheney, Howell, 1879-1957 1
Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915 1
Clark, Charles Hopkins, 1848-1926 1
Clark, Ezra Jr. 1
Clark, Geo. H. (George Hunt), 1809-1881 1
Clark, S. M. (Spencer M.) 1
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 1
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 1
Cobb, Dr. Sanford, 1926-2005 1
Cole, Thomas, 1801-1848 1
Colwell, Larry 1
Corvo, William J. 1
Cummings, Elbridge 1
Cummings, Joseph, 1784-1860 1
Dodge, Waldo F. 1
Dvorak, Antonin 1
Eddy, Roger (Roger W.) 1
Ehlers, John Henry 1
Ehresman, Elsa 1
Enders, Ostrom 1
Evans, Harry 1
Ferguson, Henry, 1848-1917 1
Finch, Lewis 1
Franck, Cesar 1
Freed, Leonard 1
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963 1
G.D. Searle & Company 1
Gage, Gladys L. 1
Gallaudet, Thomas, 1822-1902 1
Goodwin, Francis, 1895-1976 1
Goodwin, Genevieve Harlow 1
Gordon, Alden R. 1
Gordon, George 1
Graff, George E. 1
Grant, Ellsworth S. 1
Great Britain. Royal Navy 1
Gruber, Franz Xavier 1
Haig, Axel, 1835-1921 1
Hancock, David P. 1
Handy, W.C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958 1
Harris, Nicholas 1
Harvard-Curricula 1
Hedrick, Joan D. 1
Hewes, Philip 1
Heyman, Ken 1
Hickmott, Allerton C. 1
Horenstein, Henry 1
Hudson, William Leverreth, 1794-1862 1
Iturbi, Jose 1
Jackson, Abner, 1811-1874 1
Job, Herbert Keightley, 1864-1933 1
Keeney, Steven H. 1
Kimball, Francis H. (Francis Hatch), 1845-1919 1
Kirkup, Seymour Stocker, 1788-1880 1
Larsen, Christopher 1
Lauter, Paul 1
Lewis, W. S. (Wilmarth Sheldon), 1895-1979 1
Little Wonder Record Co. 1
Livingston, Ted 1
Lomberg, Jon 1
Loomis, James Lee 1
Lowe, Jacques 1
Lyon, Danny 1