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Showing Collections: 121 - 127 of 127

Ezekiel Williams family papers

Identifier: WLM-1971-002

This collection contains the papers of Ezekiel Williams Jr. and his family from 1721 to 1908. The contents include correspondence from Williams and other family members, as well as business papers and legal documents. Other materials include scrapbooks and religious writings. The collection also holds papers not of the Williams family, including two manuscript poems by Lydia H. Sigourney and the diary of Dr. Samuel Wood.

Dates: 1721 - 1908

Henry Wilson Music Collection

Identifier: Henry Wilson Music Collection
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of eighty-five pieces of manuscript music (sixty-one pieces are probably unpublished) written by Henry Wilson, along with memorabilia, including pictures, memorial services, and newspaper clippings. The manuscript music is mainly church music with a scattering of secular pieces.

Includes a list of Henry Wilson's manuscript works.

Dates: Majority of material found within 1850-1878

Robbins Winslow papers

Identifier: TCA-1997-001
Scope and Contents The Robbins Winslow papers comprise three series of materials related to Winslow's employment as Dean for Educational Services at Trinity College (Hartford) and span the dates 1967 to 1996. As dean, Winslow oversaw the creation and production of Trinity's academic calendars, evaluated and approved transfer credits, coordinated the Trinity-High School Seminar Program, and directed domestic and international study exchange programs. Administrative files in the first series include...
Dates: 1967-1996

Women and Gender Resource Action Center (WGRAC) Records

Identifier: TCA-2020-001
Scope and Contents The Women and Gender Resource Action Center (WGRAC) records comprise four series which include subject files, audiovisual materials, administrative files, and print publications. Subject files and the administrative files are arranged alphabetically by title. The Audiovisual series includes sixty-five audio cassette tapes and two video cassette tapes arranged chronologically by year. Print publications include popular magazines (e.g. Working Woman), scholarly...
Dates: 1968-2011

Women's Club of Trinity College scrapbook

Identifier: TCA-1998-001
Scope and Contents The Women's Club of Trinity College scrapbook documents the club's history and activities from its inception in 1971 through 1997. Records include constitution and bylaws; lists of officers; timelines; meeting minutes; details of club activities and projects; and photographs with corresponding captions. Records beyond 1984 are incomplete, with gaps between years. The scrapbook was compiled in 1998 by retired staff members of the Trinity College Alumni Office, Lucy E. Myshrall and Elizabeth...
Dates: 1971 - 1998

World War I Collection

Identifier: World War I Collection
Scope and Contents Collection divided into five parts: I) Correspondence between Lieut. J.N. McClure and Ruth Agnes Kerr, 4 letters, 1918-1919, written when McClure was serving overseas (arranged); 2) Letters written (in French) in 1915 by Belgian children thanking the American people for gifts of food (not processed); 3) ca. 50 letters (1917-19) written by Charles Beckwith to his sisters when Beckwith served as a corporal in the U.S. Army, stationed first at Fort Monroe, Virginia and later sent to France with...
Dates: 1916 - 1929

Edward V. Wratislaw papers

Identifier: WLM-1971-001
Scope and Contents The Edward V. Wratislaw papers include correspondence, personal papers, manuscripts, and journals. Correspondence spans 1861 to 1865 and deals with Edward V. Wratislaw's experiences during the Civil War as a rifleman for the Union Army. Other personal papers include lists, logs, ledgers, and short manuscripts related to his years spent in the United States during the Civil War and after. Journals span the 1830s through the Revolution of 1848, as well as the U.S. Civil War, and the post-war...
Dates: 1834 - 1880

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Sound Recordings 6
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) Alumni and alumnae. 4
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Faculty. 3
Connecticut--History--1775-1865 2
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 2
Naval history 2
Ornithology 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Curricula. 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Presidents. 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
Agriculture 1
Alexandra, Empress, consort of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1872-1918. 1
Algonquin language 1
American literature-- 19th century 1
American poetry-- 20th century 1
Anthologies 1
Architectural drawings. 1
Architecture and history. 1
Authors, Scottish 1
Automobile travel 1
Ballot boxes 1
Belgium 1
Bible--Study and Teaching 1
Clubs 1
College buildings. 1
Composers 1
Connecticut--History 1
Connecticut--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Connecticut--politics and government 1
Copper mines and mining 1
Deaf--Education 1
Educational change 1
Engravers 1
Foreign study 1
Freelance Journalism 1
Frontier and pioneer life 1
Hartford (Conn.) 1
Hartford (Conn.) -- Social life and customs 1
Hungary--History--Uprising of 1848-1849 1
Indians of North America 1
Industrial Revolution--United States 1
Intellectuals in literature 1
International education 1
Italy--History--19th century 1
Massachusetts--History--1775-1865 1
Men--Societies and clubs 1
Minutes (administrative records) 1
North America--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Painters--United States 1
Pharmacists--Hartford (Conn.) 1
Philosophy--Study and teaching. 1
Poets 1
Press and politics--United States 1
Private clubs -- Hartford (Conn.) 1
Psychology--Study and teaching. 1
Racism in language 1
Radicalism--United States History--20th century. 1
Romanov, House of. 1
Russia--History--1801-1917 1
SahagĂșn (Spain) 1
School children 1
Slavery--United States-- History 1
Socialism--Spain--History--20th century 1
Societies--History, organization, etc 1
Spender, Stephen, 1909-1995 1
Theater--United States--History--20th century 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) -- Buildings. 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Administration. 1
United States Agency for International Development 1
United States-- History-- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--History--20th century 1
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--Military Relations--China. 1
United States. Air Force--History. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Draft resisters. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975-Prisoners and prisons, American. 1
West (U.S.) 1
Women performance artists--United States 1
Women poets 1
World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. 1
Campo, Michael R. 2
Emerson, Victor Hugo 2
Niles, Abbe 2
Niles, Katherine Waugh 2
Trumbull, J. Hammond (James Hammond) 2
Winslow, Robbins 2
Abbott Laboratories 1
Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1
Albee, Edward, 1928-2016 1
Allen, Nathan H. (Nathan Hale) 1
Alsop, John deKoven 1
Aronow, Victor 1
Ash, Samuel 1
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 1
Babbidge, Homer D. 1
Barnard, Henry, 1811-1900 1
Bartley, Sarah, 1783-1850 1
Barton, Dana W. 1
Bartram, John 1
Bascom, Doris 1
Beckwith, Charles 1
Bing, Ilse 1
Blake, William, 1757-1827 1
Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903 1
Brahms, Johannes 1
Brainard, Homer Worthington, 1864-1947 1
Briggs, Henry S. (Henry Shaw), 1824-1887 1
Brinley, Gordon 1
Bruce, Harvey 1
Bryant, Josephine 1
Bulkeley, Gershom, 1636-1713 1
Burges, William, 1827-1881 1
Burkin, John F. 1
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 1
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 1
Chemistry 1
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge, 1832-1909 1
Cheney, Howell, 1879-1957 1
Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915 1
Clark, Charles Hopkins, 1848-1926 1
Clark, Ezra Jr. 1
Clark, Geo. H. (George Hunt), 1809-1881 1
Clark, S. M. (Spencer M.) 1
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 1
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 1
Cobb, Dr. Sanford, 1926-2005 1
Cole, Thomas, 1801-1848 1
Colwell, Larry 1
Corvo, William J. 1
Cummings, Elbridge 1
Cummings, Joseph, 1784-1860 1
Dodge, Waldo F. 1
Dvorak, Antonin 1
Eddy, Roger (Roger W.) 1
Ehlers, John Henry 1
Ehresman, Elsa 1
Enders, Ostrom 1
Evans, Harry 1
Ferguson, Henry, 1848-1917 1
Finch, Lewis 1
Franck, Cesar 1
Freed, Leonard 1
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963 1
G.D. Searle & Company 1
Gage, Gladys L. 1
Gallaudet, Thomas, 1822-1902 1
Goodwin, Francis, 1895-1976 1
Goodwin, Genevieve Harlow 1
Gordon, Alden R. 1
Gordon, George 1
Graff, George E. 1
Grant, Ellsworth S. 1
Great Britain. Royal Navy 1
Gruber, Franz Xavier 1
Haig, Axel, 1835-1921 1
Hancock, David P. 1
Handy, W.C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958 1
Harris, Nicholas 1
Harvard-Curricula 1
Hedrick, Joan D. 1
Hewes, Philip 1
Heyman, Ken 1
Hickmott, Allerton C. 1
Horenstein, Henry 1
Hudson, William Leverreth, 1794-1862 1
Iturbi, Jose 1
Jackson, Abner, 1811-1874 1
Job, Herbert Keightley, 1864-1933 1
Keeney, Steven H. 1
Kimball, Francis H. (Francis Hatch), 1845-1919 1
Kirkup, Seymour Stocker, 1788-1880 1
Larsen, Christopher 1
Lauter, Paul 1
Lewis, W. S. (Wilmarth Sheldon), 1895-1979 1
Little Wonder Record Co. 1
Livingston, Ted 1
Lomberg, Jon 1
Loomis, James Lee 1
Lowe, Jacques 1
Lyon, Danny 1