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Showing Collections: 111 - 120 of 127

U. S. Civil War Collection

Identifier: U. S. Civil War Collection
Scope and Contents

This collection consists of correspondence, court-martial papers, newspaper clippings, printed congressional speeches, photographs, military documents, bound manuscripts, and other miscellaneous documents from the Civil War era. The topics covered in this collection include the court martial of Major General Fitz-John Porter, discussions of army life, camp conditions, and battles in the American South. Also includes forms and documents related to the Dakota Territory and infantry there.

Dates: 1860 - 1889

Vertical File - Print and Manuscripts

Identifier: Vertical File Print and Manuscripts
Scope and Contents


Dates: 1896

Charles Dudley Warner Papers

Identifier: Charles Dudley Warner papers
Scope and Contents This collection contains a multitude of correspondence, as well as manuscript writings; book-length works, articles, addresses, notes, poetry and proofs, twenty travel diaries and notebooks; miscellaneous personal papers, including business and personal documents, scrapbooks; photographs, and ephemera. Correspondents in letters include well-known figures from the 19th century such as Henry Mills Alden, Samuel Bowles III, Anna E. Dickinson, Annie Fields, James T. Fields, Hamlin Garland,...
Dates: 1836 - 1918

Watkinson Family Papers

Identifier: Watkinson family papers
Abstract This collection includes correspondence, journals, diaries, business records, legal documents, photographs, and watercolor paintings of the Watkinson family; a prominent Middletown, Connecticut family involved in textile production during the early portion of the 19th century. The records begin in 1795 with Samuel Watkinson Sr. (1745-1816), his wife, and twelve children who immigrated to the United States to escape religious persecution in Lavenham, England due to their dissenting views of...
Dates: 1795 - 1873

Watkinson Library Ornithology Collection

Identifier: Watkinson Library Ornithology Collection
Scope and Contents This composite collection consists of correspondence, diaries, notebooks on ornithology, photographs, and slides, as well as some financial records and house bills from numerous other collections related to ornithology. The correspondence primarily transpire between Frank M. Chapman and Swarthmore College mammologist, Robert K. Enders (1899-1988), between ornithologist Herbert Keightley Job and other ornithologists and naturalists including A.C. Bent, John Burroughs, Frank Chapman, Elliott...
Dates: 1831 - 1966

William Weber Papers

Identifier: William Weber papers

The William Weber papers primarily deal with material from the late 1940s-late 1960s, with many of the files and their subjects created by Weber himself. Material includes items related to Weber's personal life and career, various functions of the Episcopal church, and larger social issues such as McCarthy-era fear of Communism and the Civil Rights movement.

Dates: 1935 - 1967

Jerome Pierce Webster Papers

Identifier: Jerome Pierce Webster Papers
Abstract Webster graduated from Trinity College in 1910, obtained his medical degree in 1914, and went on to serve as an inspector of prisoner-of-war camps in Berlin, Germany, in 1916. After serving in the U.S. Army Medical Group, he went on to teach at Peking Medical College, and became a pioneer in plastic surgery until his death in 1974. This collection primarily contains material from his time in the war as an inspector and in the medical group. It includes correspondence, camp lists, reports,...
Dates: 1914 - 1919

Charles P. Wells Family Papers

Identifier: Charles P. Wells family papers

Charles P. Wells (1811-1876) was a lifelong resident of Hartford, Connecticut. This collection contains correspondence, business records, and personal effects from his life.

Dates: 1655 - 1870

West Chester Bird Club (Pennsylvania) Collection

Identifier: West Chester Bird Club (Pennsylvania) Collection
Dates: Majority of material found within 1880 - 1978

Nathaniel S. Wheaton Papers

Identifier: TCA-YYYY-017
Scope and Contents This collection contains notebooks, journals, correspondence, account books, records of expenditures, and invoices for books purchased for Trinity College while Nathaniel S. Wheaton (1792-1862) was in Europe. Wheaton's journals cover his life in Europe and his tours of England, Scotland, and France during the 1820s, as well as a trip to continental Europe (including Italy) between 1845 and 1847. The student notebooks contain school materials from 1814-1816, when Wheaton was a student at Yale...
Dates: 1814-1847

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Sound Recordings 6
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) Alumni and alumnae. 4
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Faculty. 3
Connecticut--History--1775-1865 2
Japanese Americans--Evacuation and relocation, 1942-1945 2
Naval history 2
Ornithology 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Curricula. 2
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Presidents. 2
World War, 1914-1918 2
Agriculture 1
Alexandra, Empress, consort of Nicholas II, Emperor of Russia, 1872-1918. 1
Algonquin language 1
American literature-- 19th century 1
American poetry-- 20th century 1
Anthologies 1
Architectural drawings. 1
Architecture and history. 1
Authors, Scottish 1
Automobile travel 1
Ballot boxes 1
Belgium 1
Bible--Study and Teaching 1
Clubs 1
College buildings. 1
Composers 1
Connecticut--History 1
Connecticut--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Connecticut--politics and government 1
Copper mines and mining 1
Deaf--Education 1
Educational change 1
Engravers 1
Foreign study 1
Freelance Journalism 1
Frontier and pioneer life 1
Hartford (Conn.) 1
Hartford (Conn.) -- Social life and customs 1
Hungary--History--Uprising of 1848-1849 1
Indians of North America 1
Industrial Revolution--United States 1
Intellectuals in literature 1
International education 1
Italy--History--19th century 1
Massachusetts--History--1775-1865 1
Men--Societies and clubs 1
Minutes (administrative records) 1
North America--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 1
Painters--United States 1
Pharmacists--Hartford (Conn.) 1
Philosophy--Study and teaching. 1
Poets 1
Press and politics--United States 1
Private clubs -- Hartford (Conn.) 1
Psychology--Study and teaching. 1
Racism in language 1
Radicalism--United States History--20th century. 1
Romanov, House of. 1
Russia--History--1801-1917 1
SahagĂșn (Spain) 1
School children 1
Slavery--United States-- History 1
Socialism--Spain--History--20th century 1
Societies--History, organization, etc 1
Spender, Stephen, 1909-1995 1
Theater--United States--History--20th century 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.) -- Buildings. 1
Trinity College (Hartford, Conn.)--Administration. 1
United States Agency for International Development 1
United States-- History-- Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--History--20th century 1
United States--History--Civil War, 1861-1865 1
United States--Military Relations--China. 1
United States. Air Force--History. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975--Draft resisters. 1
Vietnam War, 1961-1975-Prisoners and prisons, American. 1
West (U.S.) 1
Women performance artists--United States 1
Women poets 1
World War, 1939-1945--Personal narratives, American. 1
Campo, Michael R. 2
Emerson, Victor Hugo 2
Niles, Abbe 2
Niles, Katherine Waugh 2
Trumbull, J. Hammond (James Hammond) 2
Winslow, Robbins 2
Abbott Laboratories 1
Adams, Ansel, 1902-1984 1
Albee, Edward, 1928-2016 1
Allen, Nathan H. (Nathan Hale) 1
Alsop, John deKoven 1
Aronow, Victor 1
Ash, Samuel 1
Audubon, John James, 1785-1851 1
Babbidge, Homer D. 1
Barnard, Henry, 1811-1900 1
Bartley, Sarah, 1783-1850 1
Barton, Dana W. 1
Bartram, John 1
Bascom, Doris 1
Beckwith, Charles 1
Bing, Ilse 1
Blake, William, 1757-1827 1
Bolton, Henry Carrington, 1843-1903 1
Brahms, Johannes 1
Brainard, Homer Worthington, 1864-1947 1
Briggs, Henry S. (Henry Shaw), 1824-1887 1
Brinley, Gordon 1
Bruce, Harvey 1
Bryant, Josephine 1
Bulkeley, Gershom, 1636-1713 1
Burges, William, 1827-1881 1
Burkin, John F. 1
Burritt, Elihu, 1810-1879 1
Chapman, Frank M. (Frank Michler), 1864-1945 1
Chemistry 1
Cheney, Frank Woodbridge, 1832-1909 1
Cheney, Howell, 1879-1957 1
Clark, Charles Heber, 1841-1915 1
Clark, Charles Hopkins, 1848-1926 1
Clark, Ezra Jr. 1
Clark, Geo. H. (George Hunt), 1809-1881 1
Clark, S. M. (Spencer M.) 1
Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 1
Cleveland, Grover, 1837-1908 1
Cobb, Dr. Sanford, 1926-2005 1
Cole, Thomas, 1801-1848 1
Colwell, Larry 1
Corvo, William J. 1
Cummings, Elbridge 1
Cummings, Joseph, 1784-1860 1
Dodge, Waldo F. 1
Dvorak, Antonin 1
Eddy, Roger (Roger W.) 1
Ehlers, John Henry 1
Ehresman, Elsa 1
Enders, Ostrom 1
Evans, Harry 1
Ferguson, Henry, 1848-1917 1
Finch, Lewis 1
Franck, Cesar 1
Freed, Leonard 1
Frost, Robert, 1874-1963 1
G.D. Searle & Company 1
Gage, Gladys L. 1
Gallaudet, Thomas, 1822-1902 1
Goodwin, Francis, 1895-1976 1
Goodwin, Genevieve Harlow 1
Gordon, Alden R. 1
Gordon, George 1
Graff, George E. 1
Grant, Ellsworth S. 1
Great Britain. Royal Navy 1
Gruber, Franz Xavier 1
Haig, Axel, 1835-1921 1
Hancock, David P. 1
Handy, W.C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958 1
Harris, Nicholas 1
Harvard-Curricula 1
Hedrick, Joan D. 1
Hewes, Philip 1
Heyman, Ken 1
Hickmott, Allerton C. 1
Horenstein, Henry 1
Hudson, William Leverreth, 1794-1862 1
Iturbi, Jose 1
Jackson, Abner, 1811-1874 1
Job, Herbert Keightley, 1864-1933 1
Keeney, Steven H. 1
Kimball, Francis H. (Francis Hatch), 1845-1919 1
Kirkup, Seymour Stocker, 1788-1880 1
Larsen, Christopher 1
Lauter, Paul 1
Lewis, W. S. (Wilmarth Sheldon), 1895-1979 1
Little Wonder Record Co. 1
Livingston, Ted 1
Lomberg, Jon 1
Loomis, James Lee 1
Lowe, Jacques 1
Lyon, Danny 1