Box 1
Contains 20 Results:
"A June Outing"
5 page typescript carbon copy of essay, typewritten by L.M. Taylor, Constable Building, NY.
"Some Glimpses of Dutch Colonial Life in the Hackensack Valley"
23 page typescript essay on legal size paper
"A Brief History of the Skin and Cancer Hospital" - Review and Statement by the President
6 page typescript on legal paper; docketed by Cady.
"Souvenoir of Quarter Century Anniversary of Covenant Chapel Sunday School"
12 sided typescript of prayer and addresses, including one by Cady.
"The Educational Value of Church Architecture and Decoration"
13 page typescript, probably carbon copy.
[Sunday School Hymns] - as read before the Quill Club
9 page typescript, docketed by Cady.
Dr. Maltbie Davenport Babcock sermon: "Hope. Romans 8:24, & v.20 - For We are Saved by Hope", bulk: First presented 1901, then again read 1904, 1905, 1912
This 8 page legal format typescript address is identified at the end of the text as by Dr. Maltbie Davenport Babcock, given Sunday Afternoon, Feb. 17, 1901. Docketed as "Dr. Babcock's last Sermon at Brick Church", presumably in Cady's hand. Also docketed as "Read at Alpine Church, Sabbath morning, July 7, 1912.", presumably by Cady.
"What is the Matter With the Rural Church?"
5 page typescript manuscript, likely a carbon copy.
"The Unaccomplished Sower" - Remarks at a Wednesday Evening Meeting, 1902
7 page legal size typescript address. Docketed by Cady as "The Unfinished Sower - Remarks at a Wed. evening meeting, Brick Ch[urch] Lecture R[oo]m, Oct, 1902."
"Unveiling of Dr. Babcock's Tablet" - Address
4 page legal size typescript, probably carbon copy. Title docketed by Cady.