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Edward Albee Collection

Identifier: WLM-YYYY-005

Scope and Contents

The collection primarily comprises advertisements, newspaper clippings, catalogs, plays, television and theater scripts, anthologies, and other ephemera--primarily playbills and programs. The advertisements, clippings, and ephemera primarily come from plays performed in the Northeast and New York City during the 1960s and 1970s. The collection includes the play, The Sandbox in an undated typescript copy, signed and dated 1983 by Albee. Also present in the collection is a television typescript of an interview given by Albee in 1988 at a youth forum titled "The Dorothy Gordon Youth Forum," broadcast on WNBC on the subject “Is the American Theatre in a Vacuum?”


  • Creation: 1959 - 1993


Language of Materials

Collection is in English.

Conditions Governing Access

This collection is open to the public and must be used in the John M.K. Davis Reading Room of the Watkinson Library, Trinity College Library, Hartford, Connecticut. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws when using this collection.

Conditions Governing Use

Digital surrogates may be provided in accordance with the duplication policy of the Watkinson Library.

Copyright resides with the creators of the documents or their heirs unless otherwise specified. It is the researcher's responsibility to secure permission to publish materials from the appropriate copyright holder.

Archival materials may contain sensitive or confidential information that is protected under federal and/or state right to privacy laws or other regulations. While we make a good faith effort to identify and remove such materials, some may be missed during our processing. If a researcher finds sensitive personal information (e.g. social security numbers) in a collection, please bring it to the attention of the reading room staff.

Biographical / Historical

Edward Albee (1928-2016), an American dramatist, was best known for the plays The Zoo Story (1958), The Sandbox (1959), Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1962), and A Delicate Balance (1966). He won a Pulitzer Prize for Drama and Tony Award for Best Play for A Delicate Balance (1967), Seascape (1975), and Three Tall Women (1994). Albee’s works examine the modern condition, and are considered prime works of American absurdism in theater. Albee graduated high school from Choate Academy in 1946, and attended Trinity College until 1947. Albee later moved to New York’s Greenwich Village, beginning his drama career with his first play, The Zoo Story in 1958.


1.66 Cubic Feet (5 flat boxes)


The collection is arranged into three series, alphabetically by material type.

Series 1. Ephemera and Print Materials, 1960-1971

Series 2. Manuscripts for Plays and Television, 1959-1966

Series 3. Newspaper Clippings and Periodicals, 1961-1993

Guide to the Edward Albee Collection
Michelle C. Sigiel
Description rules
Describing Archives: A Content Standard
Language of description
Script of description

Repository Details

Part of the Watkinson Library - Archival Collections Repository

Watkinson Library
300 Summit St.
Hartford Connecticut 06106 USA