Folder 379: Contents of Pfeil’s folder marked “B”, Folder 1 of 4: Letters Pertaining to “Camerado [Goodman 2020]”, 1977-1983, undated
Scope and Contents
See also folders 3, 4, 7, 156, 157, 163, 164, 165, 166, 223, 224, 231, 232, 233, 236, 237, 244, 274, 275
Memo to Roger [presumed to be Roger Mitchell] from Scott [presumed to be Scott Saunders] at The Minnesota Review, dated November 6, 1977 with a handwritten note to Pfeil from Roger Mitchell [presumed to be from The Minnesota Review], undated
To Pfeil from Maxine Groffsky, Maxine Groffsky Literary Agency, New York, New York, dated April 23, 1979
Additional work referenced: “The Quality of Light in Maine”
See also folders 190, 230, 231, 232, 238, 276, 277, 295, 296, 380, 381, 398
Draft of letter to Maxine Grofsky [presumed to be Groffsky] from Pfeil, undated
Additional work referenced: “The Quality of Light in Maine”
See also folders 190, 230, 231, 232, 238, 276, 277, 295, 296, 380, 381, 398
To Pfeil from Gail Hochman, New York, New York, dated November 15, 1979
To Pfeil from Gail Hochman, New York, New York, dated February 27, 1980
To Pfeil from Judy Ruben, Monthly Review Press, New York, New York, dated March 11, 1980
Presumed photocopy of letter to Gail Hochman from Beth Strachan, Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, Inc. Book Publishers, New York, New York dated April 9, 1980 with handwritten note to Pfeil from Gail Hochman, dated April 19
Presumed photocopy of letter to Gail Hochman from Robert “Bob” Bender, William Morrow and Company, Inc. Publishers, New York, New York dated August 8, 1980 with typewritten note presumed to be from Gail Hochman along with handwritten postscript also presumed to be from Hochman dated August 27
Draft of letter on reverse to “Editor” of the “G-T” [presumed to be the Corvallis Gazette Times, Corvallis, Oregon] from Pfeil, c. April 1981.
To Pfeil from Mary [presumed to be Mary Elsie Robertson], Brockport, New York dated April 13, 1981
To Pfeil from Fred [presumed to be Fred Jameson, Santa Cruz, California], letter undated, cover postmarked May 26, 1981
To Pfeil from Maxine Groffsky, New York, New York, dated September 21, 1981
Additional work referenced: “Last Love”
See also folders 33, 97, 98, 170, 232, 234, 290, 380
Presumed photocopy of letter to Gail Hochman from Beth Rashbaum, Avon Books, New York, New York, dated February 22, 1982 with handwritten note presumed to be from Beth Rashbaum. On the same sheet, handwritten note to Pfeil from G [presumed to be Gail Hochman], undated
Draft of letter [presumed to be from Pfeil] to Gail [presumed to be Gail Hochman] dated March 3, 1982
Additional works referenced: “Night Game”
See also folders 17, 380
To Pfeil from Barry Gifford, Editorial Consultant, Creative Arts Book Company, Berkeley, California, dated March 24, 1982
To Pfeil from Speer Morgan, The Missouri Review, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri, dated April 6, 1982
Draft of letter to Richard Flood, Creative Arts [Book Company], from Pfeil, dated April 12, 1982
To Pfeil from Vicki Nelson, Assistant to the Editor, Creative Arts Book Company, dated June 10, 1982 along with a reader’s report presumed to have originated from Nelson’s office
Postcard to Pfeil from Phil Zukerman, Applewood Books, Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts, dated June 18, 1982 along with handwritten note presumed to be from Pfeil Sent 7/22/82”
Draft of letter to Phil Zukerman, undated, c. July 1982.
To Pfeil from Richard Flood, Creative Arts Book Company, dated June 21, 1982
To Pfeil from Shelia Walsh, South End Press, Boston, Massachusetts, dated July 28, 1982
Draft of letter to Sheila Walsh, South End Press, from Pfeil, undated
To Pfeil from Shelia Walsh, South End Press, dated February 18, 1983
Draft of letter to John Gallman, Editor, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, Indiana, c. 1983
This draft appears on reverse of letter to Pfeil from Richard Wentworth, Associate Director and Editor, University of Illinois Press, Urbana, Illinois, dated September 19, 1978
Additional work referenced: Unnamed collection of short stories containing “Quality of light…,” “Fame of Price,” “Holding On,” “Skeeter’s Last…,” and “Poker Fugue”
To Pfeil from John Gallman, Director, Indiana University Press, dated March 22, 1983 along with a handwritten draft by Pfeil to Gallman, undated [c. 1983] as a reply to the letter from Gallman
Memo to John Gallman, from Scott Saunders, [presumed to be issued while at Indiana University Press], dated May 9, 1983
To Pfeil, from John Gallman, Indiana University Press, dated June 16, 1983. Along with this letter was a draft on scrap paper by Pfeil to Gallman, in reply
To Pfeil from John Gallman, Indiana University Press, dated July 26, 1983
Presumed photocopy of letter to John Gallman, Indiana University Press, dated October 20, 1983; 2 copies
To Pfeil from George Core, The Sewanee Review, University of the South, Sewanee, Tennessee, dated November 21, 1983
Additional work referenced: “Shine On” (Collection of Short Stories)
See also folders 4, 38, 276, 277
To Pfeil from Jo Sapp, Projects Editor for The Missouri Review, dated December 15, 1983 along with a handwritten note at the bottom from Speer Morgan
To Pfeil from an editor at The Iowa Review, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, unsigned and undated
- Creation: 1977-1983, undated
Conditions Governing Access
This collection is open to the public and must be used in the John M.K. Davis Reading Room of the Watkinson Library, Trinity College Library, Hartford, Connecticut. Researchers must register and agree to copyright and privacy laws when using this collection.
From the Collection: 23.5 Cubic Feet (23 records center cartons with 475 folders, and one flat box of oversized materials (box 24)) ; 1 box (16.25 in. x 13 in. x 10.5 in.) equals 1 cubic foot ("cubic foot" defined in SAA Dictionary) 1 flat box (2.5"H x 17"W x 20.75"D) equals .51 cubic feet (as defined by UNLV Archives Calculator)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Watkinson Library - Archival Collections Repository
Trinity College Library
300 Summit St.
Hartford Connecticut 06106